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Uurea, Ceramide 3, Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF)
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Valime kõik koostisosad väga hoolikalt ega tee kunagi kvaliteedis järeleandmisi. Avasta rohkem selle toote peamiste koostisosade kohta.
Uurea on üks nahas loomulikul teel toodetavatest ainetest, mis reguleerivad selle niiskushulka. Neid kutsutakse naturaalseteks niisutavateks faktoriteks. Uurea on oma toimelt hügroskoopne, sidudes vett naha kõige pealmises kihis- sarvkihis. Samuti on see keratolüütilise toimega, mis tähendab, et see lõhub surnud naharakkude vahelisi sidemeid, soodustades surnud rakkude irdumist ja siludes nahapinda. Kuna uurea on nahaomane aine, on see hästi talutav isegi eriti kuival nahal.
Keramiide toodetakse nahas. Need moodustavad naha loomuliku kaitsekihi, mis ennetab aurustumisest tingitud niiskuskadu ning tõrjub ärritajaid, mis võivad põhjustada põletikku ja sügelust. Kui aga naha keramiidisisaldus väheneb, võib nahk muutuda kuivaks ja ärritunuks. Keramiid-3 on kunstlikult sünteesitud bioloogiliselt identne molekul, mis aitab taastada ja parandada naha kaitsekihti, et talletada selles niiskust ning ennetada kuivuse ja ärrituse tekkimist.
NMFs are a variety of water soluable compounds like amino acids, Urea and Lactic Acid which naturally occur in the stratum corneum (outer layer of the epidermis). They increase the water-binding capacity of the skin, keeping it well hydrated.
Why do I need a special moisturizer for very dry, rough skin?
A moisturizer specially formulated for very dry, rough skin should be rich in the ingredients that skin needs to prevent moisture loss, bind in more water and strengthen its protective barrier. Left untreated, or treated with a product that doesn’t contain the appropriate ingredients, skin might dry out further and may crack.
Eucerin’s UreaRepair PLUS 10% Urea Lotion contains a high concentration of Urea and other NMFs (to bind water in to the skin) and Ceramide (to repair the skin barrier and reduce moisture loss). The formula gives immediate relief and carries on working, delaying the symptoms of very dry, rough skin for up to 48 hours.
Is Eucerin UreaRepair PLUS 10% Urea Lotion safe for children?
This product is recommended for adults and has not been tested for children. For babies and children with dry skin and Atopic Dermatitis we recommend Eucerin AtopiControl. Most products in this range are suitable for babies over three months old.
How can I tell if I have very dry skin or a skin condition or disease?
You can find information about dry skin as well as conditions such as Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) and Psoriasis on this website. You can also take our skin test to find out more about your skin type and condition and how best to care for it. If you are still unsure, or concerned about your symptoms, we recommend you ask a pharmacist or dermatologist for advice.
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